Where do you get your PCR primers from? - (Oct/03/2008 )
What company makes your PCR primers? Are you satisfied with the product?
QUOTE (eascsc @ Oct 3 2008, 08:20 PM)
What company makes your PCR primers? Are you satisfied with the product?
The most inexpensive one...
QUOTE (eascsc @ Oct 3 2008, 02:20 PM)
What company makes your PCR primers? Are you satisfied with the product?
We get them from IDT (http://www.idtdna.com/Home/Home.aspx). The primers work well for our purposes, but we don't use them extensively.
FISHER SCIENTIFIC sometimes also under the name of OPERON biotech?!
Never fails, also good for sequencing.
Pretty cheap and can get discount sometimes if got promotion code.