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Chicken immune system and development - Any papers? (Sep/18/2008 )

Hi, all

I just starting to work in a new lab where we use chicken embryo as experimental model.
This is my first time to deal with chicken and now I want to learn about chicken immune system and its development during gestation age.

our lab is not immunology lab, and could find expertise in development of immune system. (some knows about human, but not sure its same or not)

So, does anyone know any good HP, papers, or test books which explain or give me insight about avian immune system.



just to share partly about chiken immune system

they have IgY antibodies with four constant domain in the heavy chain.
this might have some significant role in effector function, but antigen binding regions should not differ
majorly from human antibodies.


QUOTE (Dr.House @ Sep 25 2008, 03:34 AM)
just to share partly about chiken immune system

they have IgY antibodies with four constant domain in the heavy chain.
this might have some significant role in effector function, but antigen binding regions should not differ
majorly from human antibodies.

Thank you Dr. House
