New Lab, need help - I need help setting up a new lab I just joined (Sep/10/2008 )
Many incubators come with such a switching possibility also. It might be possible that your incubators already have such a feature.
how about liquid N2 tank, cryo tube, freezing medium?
and PCR thermocycler and reagents, heat block, water tank (for dd water or TAE),
also I cannot do any work without 70% ethanol and bleach, I am cleaning freak
if you still have lots of money, you can order your PC with scanner and printer, and camera?????
Alas, computers have been on order for a couple of weeks now, still nothing . I have a free sample bag of 1.2ml Corning Cryogenic vials, are these good enough? (how much do most people usually store per vial in liquid nitrogen?)
Ethanol and Bleach is on order; thanks for the advice.
I love the BioForum, I (almost) always find what I need!
Next year I will be in the same position as Buffonidae, so all your advices will be used twice. I hope his/her lab is already inhabited with nice proliferating cell lines.
Just to contribute (although a bit too late for him/her), here there is a useful and systematic link. With the WHO guarantee!
WHO Polio Manual. 4.1. Working in the cell culture laboratory
hey am actually in the same situation as u are ,except that i have to start everything from scratch.I have started with my lab construction and slowly am ordering the equipments and chemicals.since i have a time problem...i need to plan my orders carefully bcoz things take a long while to reach my lab (months)...maybe u can start making ur reagents list and order the chemicals according to the cell lines u plan to work with...
i have been reading a lot about chemicals and in this way u get to know a lot about the different properties of ur reagents...which are very helpful in cell culture.
Bioforum is a nice place to get suggestion from experienced people...
keep the good work going