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it's weird, i know!

i was plating some competent cells on kanamacyn plates, i had a spare one already written and instead of trowing it away i plated a bi of my saliva...and the morning after i had colonies!!!!!!!!

can someone tell me how bad this is or if i shouldn't be worried at all?????!?!?!?



U or your flora?

Aren't there naturally kanamycin resistant bacteria in humans?

-Bungalow Boy-

QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Sep 8 2008, 01:15 PM)
U or your flora?

well, ok, my flora!

QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Sep 8 2008, 01:15 PM)
Aren't there naturally kanamycin resistant bacteria in humans?

hope so...looking at the whole human bacterial flora i'm very keen to think that there could be some strains resistant to kanamycin, but does this mean that if i'll ever have to take some kanamycin (so far i think in hospital they give it) i'll have to warn the doctor that some bacteria might be resistant?


QUOTE (Sebastiano @ Sep 8 2008, 10:45 PM)
QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Sep 8 2008, 01:15 PM)
U or your flora?

well, ok, my flora!

QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Sep 8 2008, 01:15 PM)
Aren't there naturally kanamycin resistant bacteria in humans?

hope so...looking at the whole human bacterial flora i'm very keen to think that there could be some strains resistant to kanamycin, but does this mean that if i'll ever have to take some kanamycin (so far i think in hospital they give it) i'll have to warn the doctor that some bacteria might be resistant?

I suppose not. Doctors are sure and they want normal flora to be resistant to antibiotics. Doctors don't want to spoil your normal flora that are for good and that is one reason why they hesitate prescribing antibiotics. Here is something to read.

I do not really know which bacteria in normal flora is resistant to what but just know that every prescription can cause imbalance.

I am curious in knowing what you will find out from this. . what kinds of normal flora we have? What are they resistant to? How can antibiotics disturb them? etc etc. Hope this discussion continues here. smile.gif

-Bungalow Boy-

i totally agree with what u say, i think that antibiotics are normally over-used. they are prescribed only to help the immune system to get the rid of some nasty strains they do NOT have to substitute it!! a "trained" and healthy immune system is also the first line of defense against tumors!!

i think that if i'll plate a bit of my saliva in all the plates we have i'll find colonies resistant to everything, on the other hand this also tells me how rich the flora is!

expecially in the gut, but also in skin, is essential and has a protective role. if i'm not wrong vitamins are also "produced" by bacteria through their metabolism, that's why when we take antibiotics for awhile wouldn't be bad to use vitamin supplements (i did it when i had mononucleosis and i was in hospital tongue.gif )!

here something else to read

hehe it's nice how from a simple curiosity (can something from my saliva grow in a kanamycin plate?) is possible to learn a lot!!


QUOTE (Sebastiano @ Sep 9 2008, 12:13 AM)
a "trained" and healthy immune system is also the first line of defense against tumors!!

Thank U for the link. That seems to be a complete review. I won't be reading the whole though tongue.gif I got the idea I wanted. . cool.gif

BTW, why do U stress on 'trained' there? Anything particular about 'training' immune system for defence against tumors?

-Bungalow Boy-

QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Sep 8 2008, 03:39 PM)
BTW, why do U stress on 'trained' there? Anything particular about 'training' immune system for defence against tumors?

- sport first of all, physical activity it's a great booster for the immune system. cardio work is perfect, if someone is used just to do weights, is good but it must be accompanied with aerobic work!
- sport also reduce cortisol levels raised cause of stress, cortisol is a suppressor for immune system
- sex is well known to enhance NK activity and general cardio-vascular functions...also is good for prostate for us males!!
- healthy food is the environmental component of a good immune system
- to be more holistic meditation or yoga have been shown SCIENTIFICALLY to work against stress improving, as consequence, immune defenses.

all of those things should be part of a healthy lifestyle, if not, we gotta do something! wink.gif


QUOTE (Sebastiano @ Sep 9 2008, 01:33 AM)
QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Sep 8 2008, 03:39 PM)
BTW, why do U stress on 'trained' there? Anything particular about 'training' immune system for defence against tumors?

- sport first of all, physical activity it's a great booster for the immune system. cardio work is perfect, if someone is used just to do weights, is good but it must be accompanied with aerobic work!
- sport also reduce cortisol levels raised cause of stress, cortisol is a suppressor for immune system
- sex is well known to enhance NK activity and general cardio-vascular functions...also is good for prostate for us males!!
- healthy food is the environmental component of a good immune system
- to be more holistic meditation or yoga have been shown SCIENTIFICALLY to work against stress improving, as consequence, immune defenses.

all of those things should be part of a healthy lifestyle, if not, we gotta do something! wink.gif

ohmy.gif Are there any works on these? Any review papers? huh.gif If you know then I am interested else will look up myself after a month. tongue.gif I am also almost sure that they will have some effect but how significant? cool.gif All these are components of 'healthy life'. I don't think it is justifiable to say 'training' immune system. dry.gif

When you spoke of 'training' immune system I was expecting something about anti-cancer vaccines. cool.gif

Cheers. wink.gif

-Bungalow Boy-

sport: look up on pubmed and you will find papers explaining the benefits of regular physical exercises on hormones release and immune system

i've also been to a conference called "diet and cancer" where major points were effect of dietary fibers (rich of HDACi), vegetables (anyone knows why), dangers of too many red meat against white mear and benefits of physiscal activity! the case was for people with breast cancer and colon cancer and there was a strong proof that regular physical activity protects, helps preventing several forms of cancer + coadjuvant in the treatment of some cancers.

sex: pubmed as well will help

yoga and meditation: pubmed again

i do believe to the effect of those things, i noticed in myself the changes due to sport, different diet and so on!

maybe it's time to change lifestyle (in the meanwhile i'm at home having a nice glass of red wine wink.gif ) looking that there are scientific proofs of the above mentioned stuff!

vaccines anticancer are different....a strong immune system is more efficient in the recognition of dangerous cells!


QUOTE (Sebastiano @ Sep 9 2008, 03:42 AM)
. .. look up on pubmed . .. . pubmed as well will help . . . pubmed again

Loud and clear! laugh.gif

Will do that some day but though all the factors that U mentioned would help any system to be in their best state. . . I was interested in knowing how well have they been verified.

Red wine and heart disease . .

A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

(cool.gif On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

© The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans

(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that kills you.

Source: joke book. laugh.gif

Today they are sure of benefit - tomorrow they say 'No'.. . it goes on dry.gif

-Bungalow Boy-

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