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Need help with transfection! - GFP + HSP (Sep/06/2008 )


I've done a lot of cell culture but I've never learned to transfect cells.

We are tranfecting jurkat t-cells with an inducible heat shock protein using a GFP label.

Can anyone get me started on the protocol. Any info/tips/textbooks/publications would be great.



First you need a transfection reagent. One has to choose that as there are many reagents available in the market or even go the calcium phosphate route. Protocols are quite similar with some variations.

If you buy any reagent, the company website will have protocols.

Good Luck !!!


jurkat t-cells are hard to transfect. Try electroporation if you can get hands on one.


Is there any way I could transfect my cells to fluoresce when the cells are upregulating Hsp70 in response to a stressor?

Or should I just do a Western blot on a few heat shock proteins?
