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xenografts analysis of GFP-expressing tumor cells? - (Aug/25/2008 )

is it possible to detect GFP-expressing cells as subepidermal xenografts of mouse? we are equipped with 2-photon CLSM but before we start we have to apply for a permission...

-The Bearer-

Yes it is possible, but an invivo imaging system might be a better and more sensitive for many applications including as dissemination and tumor growth/expansion. Success depends on a number of variables. For example, you'll need to have VERY high expression of the GFP because the penetrance of excitation and emission wavelengths of GFP through animal tissues are low. Red-shifted variants are allow much more sensitivity. Also, assuming the animal is alive during the scan, movement artifact due to heartbeat and respiration will reduce your ability to capture clear images in consecutive optical sections and therefore give you 'fuzzy' images upon deconvolution.

What are you trying to do though...I can see where CLSM might be a better modality for real-time analysis of protein translocation within indivdual cells


QUOTE (JAH @ Aug 25 2008, 10:09 AM)
Yes it is possible, but an invivo imaging system might be a better and more sensitive for many applications including as dissemination and tumor growth/expansion. Success depends on a number of variables. For example, you'll need to have VERY high expression of the GFP because the penetrance of excitation and emission wavelengths of GFP through animal tissues are low. Red-shifted variants are allow much more sensitivity. Also, assuming the animal is alive during the scan, movement artifact due to heartbeat and respiration will reduce your ability to capture clear images in consecutive optical sections and therefore give you 'fuzzy' images upon deconvolution.

What are you trying to do though...I can see where CLSM might be a better modality for real-time analysis of protein translocation within indivdual cells

thanks JAH; we have found a protein which seems to force oncogeneity, and made some valuable cell biology experiments using stable expressing cell lines of the EGFP-tagged protein; so we may save some time to measure EGFP in vivo than to construct another reporter

-The Bearer-