Genetic workhorse - E. coli only? (Aug/23/2008 )
Dear all,
Are there other genetic workhorses beside E. coli? Why is it that this particular bacterium is used? Beside ease of manipulation, won't other mesophilic bacteria be used as well? Well, if the gene of interest is from psychrophiles or thermophiles, then it makes sense to grow them in mesophiles like E. coli. but it seems most uses E.coli, whether or not its a psychrophiles or thermophiles.
Sometimes, going so high in research, these little details are forgotten. I was wondering why would anyone wants to clone a specific gene into a plasmid then transform it into E. coli.
Are there other genetic workhorses beside E. coli? Why is it that this particular bacterium is used? Beside ease of manipulation, won't other mesophilic bacteria be used as well? Well, if the gene of interest is from psychrophiles or thermophiles, then it makes sense to grow them in mesophiles like E. coli. but it seems most uses E.coli, whether or not its a psychrophiles or thermophiles.
Sometimes, going so high in research, these little details are forgotten. I was wondering why would anyone wants to clone a specific gene into a plasmid then transform it into E. coli.
There are a couple of other bacteria used for protein expression, especially in industrial applications. Google or PubMed-search "Brevibacillus choshinensis".
As to why E coli was the chosen bacterium, and why the K12 was strain was chosen, you might want to look up a history of molecular biology. James Watson did a good one years ago (sorry, my sleep-deprived brain can't recall the title).
watching Olympic...

watching Olympic...

No such luck. 13 month old with viral infection (and accompanying febrile convulsions) and itchy eczema... All OK now, though.
just as swanny said i guess its more a historical reason than a scientific one.
you know the saying: never change a winning team?
in biotechnology its: never change a working gene expression
thats why E.coli is primarly used (unless of course you really need an eucaryotic expression system)
Thanks all. Appreciate it.