Glycerol shock or chloroquine? - CaPO4 Transfection Optimization (Aug/18/2008 )
Hello all!
I have another question regarding calcium phosphate transfections. I am planning to do another this week, but I would like to compare standard CaPO4 transfection efficiencies w/those of modified techniques. I've read several articles suggesting a glycerol shock and/or adding chloroquine to the media.
My question is: which would be more beneficial for me to use? I am hesitant to try both at once b/c of cell toxicity.
I am transfecting A293T cells with a retroviral vector for infection of human neuroblastoma cells. Eventually, the plan is to grow up enough cells to do a tail vein injection into mice.
Does anyone have any experience with these techniques? I feel like a bit of a fuddy-duddy using CaPO4, but the Mirus reagent is just not cooperating with my cells (low %ages, not toxicity).
The following are the protocols I've gathered:
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to try the Mirus reagent (TransIT1) again at the same time, as I'm still thinking that's my best bet.

Much appreciation,
I almost forgot!
Does anyone have experience comparing glycerol shock v. DMSO?
Thanks again!

Does anyone have experience comparing glycerol shock v. DMSO?
Thanks again!
we use both chloroquine and DMSO shock; never tried glycerol