Hypertension - salt and sugar (Aug/12/2008 )
hi guys
i'm looking for the link between diabetes and hypertension ...why people with high blood sugar are more likely to have hypertension...!
and what is the link between salt and hypertension..!
i look for some info from health sites..but i like discussing these issues with u here
give us an hypothesis to discuss
i'm looking for the link between diabetes and hypertension ...why people with high blood sugar are more likely to have hypertension...!
and what is the link between salt and hypertension..!
i look for some info from health sites..but i like discussing these issues with u here

both diabetes mellitus and hypertension belong to the metabolic syndrom; in most cases, each is induced by overweight and/or physical inactivity;
a link of salt and hypertension seems to be a myth...
hi the Bearer
don't know ..but i found many abstracts talking about a link between salt and hypertension!

As far as I know, salt and hypertension actually have a link, and this is due to molarity. Wherever salt goes, it "drags" water. What I don't know is how that salt ends up in your blood vessels to increase blood pressure.
For diabetes and hypertension.... I have no clue and now I am curious!!!! If you have diabetes, you actually are prone to loose water from your body instead of retaining it. That's part of the major symptoms in diabetes: polydipsia and polyuria (too thirsty, too much peeing)
If someone knows, please throw some light!
It is more of epidemiology than physiology here. Both are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases/deaths and risk factors of both the conditions are also similar making them occur together and end to similar outcomes. Like Bearer pointed. . Metabolic Syndrome.
I seem to remember from lectures many moons ago that the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme system has something to do with hypertension, certainly ACE inhibitors are used to help control hypertension.
Yes, the RAAS System.
Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I and further changed to II form by ACE. Angiotensin II also causes secretion of Aldosterone and ADH. . .
all of the working together. . vasoconstriction, heart working more vigourously, retaining salt and water, person becoming thirsty and drinking more water etc etc . . all of them causing increase in Blood Pressure.

If someone knows, please throw some light!
not sure....
but diabetes means more blood sugar>>less water>>increase viscosity>>must increase pressure !