What does "PI" stand for? - (Aug/06/2008 )
I was asked just that by someone a few minutes ago - and realized I have no clue. Personal something?
Anyone able to enlighten me what that acronym truly means?
Prinicpal Investigator
Sometimes it means "annoyingly self-important egotist"
may also stand for 'Psychosis Inducer'
A PI cause hallucinations or delusional beliefs. People under the influence of a PI may exhibit changes in personality and thinking. This often accompanied by unusual or bizarre behaviour, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out the activities of daily living. ~10% of all people exposed to PI become PI themselves. The rest are scared for life, often forming support groups such as the one you see here. We will endure!
A PI cause hallucinations or delusional beliefs. People under the influence of a PI may exhibit changes in personality and thinking. This often accompanied by unusual or bizarre behaviour, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out the activities of daily living. ~10% of all people exposed to PI become PI themselves. The rest are scared for life, often forming support groups such as the one you see here. We will endure!



having some thoughts whether or not climbing Mt. Olympus is worth the effort.
...whereas pI stands for isoelectric point. It is the pH at which a protein carries no net electrical charge.

having some thoughts whether or not climbing Mt. Olympus is worth the effort.
Having third thoughts already pernese

Btw…..what exactly is this lounge for? A place where the PIs vegetate until they mold or or is this the place where they get bashed?
- casandra