FACS data analysis - understanding cell quest program and reading data from it (Jul/25/2008 )
I have run a few flow cytometry to determine teh % of particular positive cell in my cel lines. However, i do not know how to interpret teh data form eth cell quest program and don't know which figures I should be looking at.
e.g. of FACS results:
M1= marker
9910 = right
2841 = events
37.77 =% gated
28.41 =% total
11.93 =mean
10.29 =geomean
427.17 = CV
9.56 7=median
7= Peak ch
I have been told to look at the % gate cels to determine the % of positive cells. What is the diference bet/ween %gated and % total? Do determine teh number of positive cell in my cell lines, do have to substract teh data form teh IgG control
QUOTE (Sarwat @ Jul 25 2008, 10:27 AM)
I have run a few flow cytometry to determine teh % of particular positive cell in my cel lines. However, i do not know how to interpret teh data form eth cell quest program and don't know which figures I should be looking at.
e.g. of FACS results:
M1= marker
9910 = right
2841 = events
37.77 =% gated
28.41 =% total
11.93 =mean
10.29 =geomean
427.17 = CV
9.56 7=median
7= Peak ch
I have been told to look at the % gate cels to determine the % of positive cells. What is the diference bet/ween %gated and % total? Do determine teh number of positive cell in my cell lines, do have to substract teh data form teh IgG control
I have run a few flow cytometry to determine teh % of particular positive cell in my cel lines. However, i do not know how to interpret teh data form eth cell quest program and don't know which figures I should be looking at.
e.g. of FACS results:
M1= marker
9910 = right
2841 = events
37.77 =% gated
28.41 =% total
11.93 =mean
10.29 =geomean
427.17 = CV
9.56 7=median
7= Peak ch
I have been told to look at the % gate cels to determine the % of positive cells. What is the diference bet/ween %gated and % total? Do determine teh number of positive cell in my cell lines, do have to substract teh data form teh IgG control
Is it possible to post your plots? might make things easier.
If you would have gated for your cells based on morphology (FSC-SSC), I would look at the % of gated, because %of total would include all events in the denominator, including debris which is not wat you're interested in. So, the "gate" is the number of events you would consider "cells", and you're interested in the percentage of cells that are "positive".