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In vitro enzyme assay - (Jul/25/2008 )


I want to ask about in vitro enzyme assay using subcellular fraction. I read in a notes i got from my lecturer. For inhibition assay we should used biochemical assay (use cell subcellular fraction) and for inhibition assay we should used cell based assay (using hepatocytes). but if i get induction result for biochemical assay, does the result valid?



QUOTE (kent19 @ Jul 25 2008, 07:52 AM)

I want to ask about in vitro enzyme assay using subcellular fraction. I read in a notes i got from my lecturer. For inhibition assay we should used biochemical assay (use cell subcellular fraction) and for inhibition assay we should used cell based assay (using hepatocytes). but if i get induction result for biochemical assay, does the result valid?


do both and compare; if the subcellular compartment contains the main module(s) which are affected by the drug, you have a good biochemical model to study the drug on the molecular level...

-The Bearer-