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Should slides dry before pertex mounting or not? - (Jul/21/2008 )

Can someone help me, I'm new to IHC. I get so many air-bubbles when I mount my coverslip and was wondering if I should have dried the slides after xylol or not. What is recommended?


I don't dry the slides...

may be your histomount is old...get a new bottle

-Minnie Mouse-

I get lots of airbubbles too. This is what I've been told to do. Don't dry the coverslip, but slowly lay it down from one side.


we used xylene and dpx (still do) is that the same?

if so...

keep em a little wet - it helps the dpx spread (and enter the tissue)

also dont let the dpx suck back into the dropper/pippette it takes air in with it - hence air bubbles

michelle is right too - place the coverslip on the slide so one end is in full contact and the other is held up by some curved tip tweezers - then lower down and the wave it creates pushes out air bubbles


i really need to learn to spell (or type)


OK, thanks for the tips!


QUOTE (kenzo @ Jul 21 2008, 01:56 PM)
Can someone help me, I'm new to IHC. I get so many air-bubbles when I mount my coverslip and was wondering if I should have dried the slides after xylol or not. What is recommended?

After we dry the sections, take a cover slip and place it flat. place a drop of mounting media. take your slide and place it on the coverslip slowly, so that the mounting media drop touches the slide. Then gently lower it a little bit. Now what happens is you will create a capillary effect and the coverslip will stick to the slide and mounting media spreads out evenly without any bubbles. Now turn the slide and place it flat.


that works too - depends on the lab you started in i suppose
