Possible transfect siRNA using Calcium Phosphete? - siRNA transfection (Jul/21/2008 )
Is it possible to transfect HEK293 cells with with siRNA using Calcium Phosphete method?
Forget it... No chance. I still can not understand it why everybody is still using the inefficient ca phosphate method and not a commercial transfection reagent ??? Is it only the price? But what about time and the money you spend for your non-working experiments? Especially for siRNA you need the best efficiency, low cytotoxicity and no off-target effects. Use a high-quality commercial kit!!! For siRNA I successfully use "xtreme gene sirna transfection reagent".
Interestingly enough I have had no luck finding people who use this transfection reagent. I have been using it for some time now and have gotten pretty decent results and was wondering how it was working for you, and what conc. do you use for your transfection?