siRNA transfection - siRNA transfection (Sep/22/2004 )
Do anyone know a siRNA or RNAi that can be used in order to analyze apoptosis and lethal genes. The siRNA or RNAi should effect essential genes, do one know any that i can use?
I'm really lost in this particular field.
I'm hoping for youre help.
Hi Nina,
siRNAs are gene specific, whatever gene you want to knockdown, just design a siRNA targeting that gene (mRNA, recently promoter) and you will have over 90% of chance of inactivating the gene. For example, you want to know which gene is lethal to a cell, you can design a siRNA (double-stranded short RNA) targeting that gene, and transfect the siRNA into your cell, then check if the expression of that gene is silenced and if there are resulted lethal phenotype changes.
Regarding essential genes, there is a recent paper in which the authors identified some essential genes by RNAi. It is a great paper which can be found here
I will read that article...