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In Fusion cloning - reliable? (Jul/16/2008 )

I've read about the In Fusion cloning kit from Clontech and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it. Is it easier than conventional cloning? Is it reliable? Our lab has been doing a lot of cloning with the Gateway system, and although its fast(when it works), I'm wondering if I should try to get my boss to switch to In Fusion. Opinions would be appreciated.



guys at Oxford Protein Production Facility use In-Fusion very successfully, they clone thousands of proteins:

also you do multiple insert cloning, which is pretty cool because you do not have to subclone:

cheers, tp


Even i looking for the information thanks



Can anyone share more information about In-Fusion PCR cloning kit, cloning efficiency or technical tric etc. Can anyone also share the principle of this technology?




when you amplify insert for in-fusion cloning you need to add 15 bases to the insert so the ends have homology with the 3’ and 5’sides of the insertion point within the vector. Basically, you can insert any piece of DNA into any vector.this kitt is very efficient, usually 90-100% even with very large inserts
you can find all info on Clontech website

cheers, Antonio


QUOTE (Bioteck88 @ Jul 18 2008, 10:53 AM)

Can anyone share more information about In-Fusion PCR cloning kit, cloning efficiency or technical tric etc. Can anyone also share the principle of this technology?



-Gordon Freeman-