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Washing buffer and sauton medium - Survival assay in poor condition (Jul/08/2008 )

Hello guy's just a question for you.

I am working on Mycobacterium survival in poor Pi media. So to do that I washed 3 times my liquid culture with a washing buffer (Tris 50mM, KCl 15mM,(NH4)2SO4 10mM, MgSO4 1mM and Tween 80) and resuspend with a a synthetic medium poor in Pi (Sauton medium without Pi). My question is can I wash my culture with sauton without Pi? Is there any advantage to use a washing buffer compare to the sauton medium???

Just for information Sauton without Pi:MgSO4, L-Asparagine, Glycerol, Ferric Ammonium citrate, citric acid and Tween 80

Can you help me?



what is "pi" - inorganic phosphate?

why not run these side by side and answer your own question.


btw - what species of mycobacterium and what pH is the medium?



Pi= inorganic phosphate and I am working with wild type of M. tuberculosis and some KO mutants. The pH of my medium is 7.2.

