need some advice on bacterial lipids - growing algea w/out sunlight (Jul/05/2008 )
Could someone read this quick article and see if they know what strain produces the lipids without the help of sunlight?
Article doesn't include enough information and there's even less at the Solazyme site. Wonder at its economic feasiblity if they need to use sugar as the feedstock. They are sure into big time advertising with Sundance exposure.
the article is indeed to basic to get any good info out of it.
But about the sugar part==> depends on what sugar they use wether its economical or not.
If they by example can use molasses then there is no problem at all conciderings its a waste product.
On the other hand, a lot of biotechnical institutions allready use molasses and I wonder if the product might not get "more" expensive in the future.
to the topic starter: I might be able to help you, I have some ppt presentation on production of biodiesel with algeas, but I need to search for it
===> too bad, its with the use of sunlight.
So no good to you.
What sugar would make it economical? Doubt that molasses would be so useful - but give us the details - prove it.
also algae is plural - alga is singular
like I said: molasses.
its a waste product and normally you can get it for free , sometimes they even pay you to come and get it.
(although that might change in the future as a lot of biotechnical institutes start using it as a medium for microorganisms)
sophomoric - you obviously fail to know enough to provide details. Nothing is free.
pito = obama?
pito = obama?
I have no idea who obama is.
But I am not obama.
And why could molasses not be a good medium?
I do not know if the algae would be able to use molasses, but molasses is cheap, or even free in some cases.
So I do not see why molasses might not be a good sugar source?
I have used it hundreds of times when storing and growing fungi so... but offcourse, this does not prove that the algae might use it too.
ANd to the topic starter: I doubt if they will let you know what algea they use, but you could always ask them at
I do wonder why they would skip the light phase.
I cant imagine they would harvest more oil because they give them sugars directly?
They do state they can indeed archive more , but then again, like Jorge1907 said , sugar isnt free. Maybe molasses could be a cheaper alternitive.
And besides that there is the carbon problem.
Too bad I haven stored all the information I had on the production of biodiesel

I should try and contact the persons who gave the information session.

No idea? Looks like your ignorance extends to multiple areas - and deeply so.
Obama as in the apparent Democrat party nominee for President.
Cheap? Molasses is a commodity and its price is variable. It's already used for ethanol production in other parts of the world. It's hardly a material looking for a hole to bury.
[DOC] Qualifying Liquid By-Products
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
Recent molasses market increases in sharp contrast to somewhat depressed US commodity prices and the increased production of liquid by-products from corn, ... MonthlyBulletins/Qualifying%20Liquid%20By.doc - Similar pages
Obama as in the apparent Democrat party nominee for President.
Cheap? Molasses is a commodity and its price is variable. It's already used for ethanol production in other parts of the world. It's hardly a material looking for a hole to bury.
[DOC] Qualifying Liquid By-Products
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
Recent molasses market increases in sharp contrast to somewhat depressed US commodity prices and the increased production of liquid by-products from corn, ... MonthlyBulletins/Qualifying%20Liquid%20By.doc - Similar pages
First of all: I am not an american, so I do not think about the american elections every time I am awake.
Secondly: I do "know" who obama is (at least that obama) but I was under the impression that obama was someone who visited this forum.
and final: Molasses can be obtained for free or very low costs here ( at belgium, at the moment, things are changing) if you know the right people or if you can proces a large quantity at once.
I do not know how it works in the usa, but if you state its not that cheap, then I have to agree with what you said and then I am wrong.
Nope- you're ignorant. Eever heard of Putin, Mao, Stalin?? Hint - they don't post here!
large quantity, effectively for free, at once - suuuure. pito - you're an idiot or a child. Presuming the latter - grow up.