How can I increase protein expression in S. cerevisiae? - (Jun/18/2008 )
Hi everybody,
I am suffering for months to increase the level of my expressed protein, SESTRIN, from parasite S. mansoni. I cloned it in pYES 2.1 TOPO vector and transferrred in K601 S. cerevisiae cell line. I did 24 hrs galactose induction and crushed the cell by bead beater. From 400 ml starting culture I have 5 ml after final extraction. From that I loaded 12 ul ( I have not done any quantitation) in SDS gel and could not detect the protein. Then I did Western using His-tag antibody from sigma, I saw the single band of expected size ( 70 kd) but its very less in amount. I blocked the membrane o/n in 5% milk with Tween 20 and incubated 3 hrs at RT with the untibody. The detection is by BCIP/NBT.
Does any one have any suggestion so that I can increase the amount of my expressed protein?
Since I am having experience in expression of proteins in yeast I want to give some suggestions to u.
1) Lysis of the yeast cells by glass bead method, U will get very less protein. better to search another method to lyse the cell like Homoginization or sonication.
2) Use trace metals in expression media to increase the protein expression.
3) Do the brad ford before loading into the gel for westren blot and load about 100 to 150microgram of protein in each well or u can try eith differen concentrations.
For further questions please welcome.
bye all the best.
I am suffering for months to increase the level of my expressed protein, SESTRIN, from parasite S. mansoni. I cloned it in pYES 2.1 TOPO vector and transferrred in K601 S. cerevisiae cell line. I did 24 hrs galactose induction and crushed the cell by bead beater. From 400 ml starting culture I have 5 ml after final extraction. From that I loaded 12 ul ( I have not done any quantitation) in SDS gel and could not detect the protein. Then I did Western using His-tag antibody from sigma, I saw the single band of expected size ( 70 kd) but its very less in amount. I blocked the membrane o/n in 5% milk with Tween 20 and incubated 3 hrs at RT with the untibody. The detection is by BCIP/NBT.
Does any one have any suggestion so that I can increase the amount of my expressed protein?
it is not clear if less amount of protein of interest is caused by preparation for SDS-PAGE or by general low expression; I would select for clones with high expression of your protein
Hi Prabhu,
Thanx for the informatio.
1) Can you tell me the output or other specifications of the sonicator to use for cell crashing?
2) Which trace metal you will suggest and in what amount for a 1 lit expression medium. I am using SC medium which is 6.7 gm YNB / lit with amino acids, separately added. I do over night cell growing in this medium with 2 % glucose and then from that culture I dilute (OD600 =0.4 ) cell in the expression medium which is the same one except I add 2% galatose to induce the protein expression under GAL promotor.
Thanks again.
1) Lysis of the yeast cells by glass bead method, U will get very less protein. better to search another method to lyse the cell like Homoginization or sonication.
2) Use trace metals in expression media to increase the protein expression.
3) Do the brad ford before loading into the gel for westren blot and load about 100 to 150microgram of protein in each well or u can try eith differen concentrations.
I am suffering for months to increase the level of my expressed protein, SESTRIN, from parasite S. mansoni. I cloned it in pYES 2.1 TOPO vector and transferrred in K601 S. cerevisiae cell line. I did 24 hrs galactose induction and crushed the cell by bead beater. From 400 ml starting culture I have 5 ml after final extraction. From that I loaded 12 ul ( I have not done any quantitation) in SDS gel and could not detect the protein. Then I did Western using His-tag antibody from sigma, I saw the single band of expected size ( 70 kd) but its very less in amount. I blocked the membrane o/n in 5% milk with Tween 20 and incubated 3 hrs at RT with the untibody. The detection is by BCIP/NBT.
Does any one have any suggestion so that I can increase the amount of my expressed protein?
it is not clear if less amount of protein of interest is caused by preparation for SDS-PAGE or by general low expression; I would select for clones with high expression of your protein
Its general low expression of the protein. I do not understand what do you mean by clones with high expression of the protein? How do I know the clones giving me highly expressed protein?
1) Use 80% amplitude for 1 minute cycle (1minute process and cooling for a minute)(check the lysis through micrscope and optimize the cycles).
2) As u metioned in your reply you are using 6.7 grams of YNB for liter medium. But i feel thats its a huge amount. Try to use 0.17% of YNB (that means 1.7grams per liter. and use 0.5% of ammonium sulphate(5grams per liter) adjust the pH 5.6 to 5.8. add the aminiacid after sterile filteration (required).
3) When ever u want to take 2% glucose better to add in fed batch method that means first while inoculation add 1% and after 12hrs of growth add remaining 1%of glucose.
4)use the trace metals as fallow
Sol – A:
S.No Component Conc. (%) Quantity(10mL)
1 CuSO4 5H2O 0.3 30mg
2 MnSO4 4H2O 0.3 30mg
3 CoCl2 6H2O 0.05 5mg
4 ZnCl2 0.2 20mg
5 Boric acid 0.002 0.2mg
Sol – B:
S.No Component Conc. (%) Quantity(10mL)
1 FeSO4 2H2O 0.5 50mg
Add Solution - A 1% to the medium
Add Solution - B 0.6% (Do the sterile filteration of these two Trace metal solutions and add before inoculation)
5) Make sure that while inducing with galactose, glucose concentration should 0 or less than 0.2%
I am suffering for months to increase the level of my expressed protein, SESTRIN, from parasite S. mansoni. I cloned it in pYES 2.1 TOPO vector and transferrred in K601 S. cerevisiae cell line. I did 24 hrs galactose induction and crushed the cell by bead beater. From 400 ml starting culture I have 5 ml after final extraction. From that I loaded 12 ul ( I have not done any quantitation) in SDS gel and could not detect the protein. Then I did Western using His-tag antibody from sigma, I saw the single band of expected size ( 70 kd) but its very less in amount. I blocked the membrane o/n in 5% milk with Tween 20 and incubated 3 hrs at RT with the untibody. The detection is by BCIP/NBT.
Does any one have any suggestion so that I can increase the amount of my expressed protein?
it is not clear if less amount of protein of interest is caused by preparation for SDS-PAGE or by general low expression; I would select for clones with high expression of your protein
Its general low expression of the protein. I do not understand what do you mean by clones with high expression of the protein? How do I know the clones giving me highly expressed protein?
if one analyzes a a mix of polyclonals, the average protein expression pattern of the transfected/infected gene of interest is given; you may select for higher than average expressing clones