Seeding cells on cover slips - how to get my cells to grow confluently (Jun/18/2008 )
Hi! I am having a bit of trouble trying to seed my cells evenly on glass cover slips. I usually do it by pooring some medium into a Petry dish with cover slips to get them wet and then the other half of medium with cells suspended in it. But my problem is that cells not only do they grow unevenly on different cover slips, but they refuse to be evenly seated even on the same slip. Moving the petry dish back and forward is not an option since the slips are moving and geting one on another. Because of need for reproduciability I realy need the same cell growth on all cover slips.
If anibody has some advice, I would be greatfull. Sorry for my broken english!
FlexiPERM (see: works great! Make sure the FlexiPERM is applied when dry. Other tip: place coverslip in petri dish on heating block (at 37C) pipet the cells on the coverslip, wait for the cells to attach, when fill petridish with more medium. Takes some practice, works equally well, but you don't have a number of samples on your coverslip, as with the FlexiPERM method.
You may put your coverslips into 24-well plates and load equal amount of cells in each well. I am using 100mm round coverslips and they fit into wells of 24-well plate.
If anibody has some advice, I would be greatfull. Sorry for my broken english!

coating is good; you may try various (poly-lysine, collagen, fibronectin, Matrigel); beware that coating may induce cell signalling
Thank you all, it was realy helpfull! I think that I will go with 24-well plate, since I cannot use any coating, it would effect my experiment (I work with trophoblast, and they realy love matrigel, in meny different ways ).
Best regards!
Are they adherence cells or non adhere cells? I use 24 well plates too and it works fine. Today I did my second attempt again. But one thing to be careful about is the coverslip. You have to be very delicate to take out the coverslip. I broke few of them while taking out from the plate. =) good luck