putative - (Jun/15/2008 )
whats the meaning of term "putative" . It is used in the terms of something assume or something consider essential.
QUOTE (julebo @ Jun 15 2008, 11:25 AM)
whats the meaning of term "putative" . It is used in the terms of something assume or something consider essential.
yeah, you can say something assumed but not necessarily considered essential...it's also something deemed, supposed, thought of, purported (to be)....

It is supposed to mean "put foward, based on inconclusive evidence", but is usually used more in the sense of "hypothesised".
yeah, that's how I understand it too.
A putative role of p21 in controlling the cell cycle
A suggested role, the data gathered seem to imply p21 in the cell cycle, ect.
Also - suggested, but not proven.
Example: A putative DNA binding protein may have sequences similar to other DNA binding proteins, but the experiments to prove that it binds to DNA have not been done.