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How to convert coordinates into genes - (Jun/13/2008 )

Hello every body,

I have data that consist of genomic co-ordinates. I want to know if there are certain tools that can convert these data into genes by finding the closest promoter or open reading frame?

Thank you


Go to OMIM.


QUOTE (geneinfo @ Jun 13 2008, 04:25 PM)
Hello every body,

I have data that consist of genomic co-ordinates. I want to know if there are certain tools that can convert these data into genes by finding the closest promoter or open reading frame?

Thank you

SeqLoc2Gene.exe NC_000014:74815000-74819000,NM_005252,51493278:56745284-56749000

Input Map Accession From To Strand GeneId Locus Description
NC_000014:74815000-74819000 NT_026437.11 56745284 56748666+ 2353 FOS
NM_005252 NM_005252.2 1 2084 + 2353 FOS v-fos FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog
51493278:56745284-56749000 NT_026437.11 56745284 56748666+ 2353 FOS


you could use the ensembl API.
