Finding correlated genes between microarray data sets - (Jun/03/2008 )
If I have two microarray data sets each in excel format (containing columns for official gene symbols, log ratio, fold change, p value, intensity 1, and intensity 2), how can I find positively correlated (or anti-correlated) genes between these two data sets? I have asked the Agilent GeneSpring Tech support, but they told me they would need "at least one data file(raw), so that a custom technology could be created". Unfortunately, I don't have an access to raw data file at the moment and the above excel files are all I have. If someone is able to help me on this, if necessary, I can e.mail my two excel files for your viewing and assessment.
Thank you very much!
Can you merge two datasets into one, and then use SAS or other program to calculate correlation coefficient.
Thank you Larryking for your suggestion, unfortunately I am not familiar with Excel program nor SAS.
1. How do I merge two datasets into one? Is there a way to do that in Excel program?
2. What is SAS?
Thanks again,
If you have a software supplied with your PC station (ex. ImageQuant, Arrayvision,...etc), there are options to calculate the significatives values after substracting background.
I would say that positively correlated genes are those which presents the same expression profile. That means they are often overexpressed.