Blood electrification - miracle cure or overhyped hoax? - (May/21/2008 )
I was wondering. Is it true that blood electrification is a wonder cure for AIDS and a bunch of other diseases, but it was suppressed and silenced (by having the creator Bob Beck threathened and killed) because it's super-low cost and high efficiency would drive the pharmaceutical industry out of business?
I know for a fact that many doctors and scientists are money grabbing bastards who care more about making money than saving lives (if I had a mountain of tution debt I'd probably be one as well) , but this sounds ridiculous.
Dunno, I find it a somewhat weird idea... I don't work with viruses, but still... Electrocuting them? So, would it work if we just put our fingers in the plug?
I'm always very skeptic about these conspiracy theories...
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"prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells" - really?
"In order to obtain a patent from the United States Patent Office, Kaali and Schwolsky had to prove that the device works as claimed. Lacking solid proof, US patents are simply not granted. " - really?
"Now if you apply a direct current (DC) potential to the skin, you're going to get an electrolysis effect and that can cause problems, so Beck designed a circuit that varied the voltage with an alternating current (AC) at a very low frequency and avoided the electrolysis problem. The waveform that Beck chose is not the typical sine wave seen in AC household outlets, but rather is a bi-phasic square wave, meaning that the waveform voltage has a positive half and a negative half, allowing the current to reverse direction each half cycle. Square waves generate a large number of harmonics." - ?
need i say more?
WoW! Is it that simple? Impressed.
Come on - anyone can put stuff on the net and Science News is hardly a peer-reviewed journal. Nowhere was any real data offered and in no case was any cure attempted much less demonstrated.
This is pure silliness.