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lymphocytes in FACS - (Sep/03/2004 )

hi everyone,

this may sound stupid but i would like to know exactly what size( i mean forward scatter FSC) are the lymphocytes from spleen of mice. i have been using the FACS machine to analyze the type of population in my samples and i know where to select the gate because you immediately see a big population. since i know that i have extracted from spleen then it makes sense that i only have one group. until recently i never thought about this but do you always find the lymphocytes on the same FSC height. what FSC height is it?

thanks in advance.


I dont think so. Since you can put the cells anywhere you want on a FSc - SSc plot by manipulating the Detectors and Gain settings I don't really think you can give a number, plus every machine is different so even giving settings would not give you an answer.

I could be wrong.
