script problems - extracting sequences (May/16/2008 )
my bachelors background has nothing to do with computers or programming, it was in the grad studies that i started learning this and perl has been not that difficult, once you learn the basics you can do a lot of stuff in many different ways, i consider programmers somehow poets. about bioperl i haven't tried it but there have been 3 more programmers besides perlm that have told me it's kinda messy. i don't mind testing new codes.
I didn't do programming at BSc level - I did do python, but that was for 'fun'. I agree that the ensembl API is handy - I have been using it a lot lately and while there are many things I don't like about it, it has given me excellent access to the stuff at the genome campus (sanger and ebi).
If I could get a job where I didn't have to code perl I would take it - maybe I can get a post-doc somewhere ...
I am doing programming in Perl for bioinformatics for a couple of years. I didn't using bioperl at all, except when I study it in my Master study. For everything I need I just coded it myself. The reason I did it because I do not want spent tons of time to dig in the huge module to find out which function that can do my job exactly. I always think if I can spend that much of time to figure out which function to use, I can code it my own.
Anyway, I want to give it a try, but I never start it. Do you guys have a good idea how to find the function in bioPerl easily. Thanks.
I uses the code which is as same as perlmunky's code to do the sequences and ids problem. It did great jobs. Cheers.