Ultimate RNA extraction from human pulp tooth - (May/13/2008 )
i'm noreen..n i'm quite new in this forum..
i've been having difficulties in extracting pure RNA from pulp samples.currently i've obtained the sample from rabbit pulp .the amount of the sample is very small n d extraction is done using TRI reagent.unfortunately only a smear appeared on d gel without the distinct 2 bands for rna confirmation.
could anyone plz suggest the best+ultimate way to extract rna from pulp tissues..
The smear could suggest RNAse contamination, in which direction does the smear go?
QUOTE (kieselgur @ May 25 2008, 04:19 AM)
The smear could suggest RNAse contamination, in which direction does the smear go?
thanks for d reply..
the smear is at the bottom of the gel...it is not located on the place where the distinct 2 bands should be..right now i'm trying to optimize on the RNA extraction method...but the samples are so hard to find

but i proceed on the the next step which is RT-PCR n i have succesfully amplified the housekeeping gene (GAPDH) but no luck for other candidate gene..
my last objective is to run microarray analysis on the pulp tissues