Nested PCR sensitivity - (Jan/25/2002 )
Nested PCR is reported to be 1000 times more sensitive than standard PCR (Mc Pherson 91). My gain in sensitivity is only ten fold. Is there something wrong in my protocol or is Mc Pherson optimistic?
Nice day to everybody.
-Vincent Delespaux-
There are many factors affecting PRC experiments. Last week, I think it was easy to do PCR but my view has been changed coz my degenerated primers didn't work.
The writer's experiment was different to yours. Don't think that you'll get the same result as the writer.
Longer is tougher too... Is noise a problem here, or are you just trying to increase yield?
I am just trying to increase yield!
Noise is not a problem.
Thanks for answer
-Vincent Delespaux-