buffer preparation software - beta testers wanted - (Apr/22/2008 )
I am looking for beta testers.
Buffer Makers is a program for buffer preparation. But it is not one more stupid program based on Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, written by someone not aware of the HH equation limitations. This one is built around quite powerfull pH engine, so it allows to prepare not just acetic buffer by mixing acetic acid with sodium acetate, it is able to deal with buffers prepared using practically every mix of reagents that is able to keep more or less constant pH of the solution.
Beta testers will have to go through tutorial, prepare some buffers (not necesarilly in terms of mixing real reagents, although that will not hurt) and send back their remarks and saved documents. After release (planned May 1st) I will send everyone involved registration key for full version. I need 1 or 2 persons, first come, first served
Beta version can be downloaded from
You may try it now - and if you are interested in beta tests please let me know and I will send you a beta test registration key, that will unlock more features and - most important thing - buffers database.
Comments by people not interested in taking part, but interested in taking a look welcomed as well
Mods: I hope I am not breaking forum rules, but if so - do your duty
I've just installed trial version... and... WOW! That's SWEET!
If being your guinea-pig can give me a licence for this beauty - count me in! (PM me the details.)
List closed. But you are all still invited to take a look
Link posted earlier is no longer active, here is the final version:
Sorry all - I am unable to edit my frst post and to remove the link. Just now I was browsing logs and I have realized that following this link was not working since I have deleted beta version file on May 1st
This is corrected now and you will be simply redirected to the program page.
This is corrected now and you will be simply redirected to the program page.
Can anyone give me the link to download beta testers?