Can some one explain me - (Apr/14/2008 )
When HEK 293 T cells are trasnfested with cDNA clone in pcDNA 3.1 whats events is going on.....
The stage of HEK cell......its either in G phase or S Phase.............
Does HEK cells are antibiotic resistance gene ..... which anto biotic......
There are two things for efficient transcription and polyadenylation of mRNA......
BGH polyuadenylation signal" what it does"
SV40 early polyadenylation signal " What it does"
I shall be very grateful to you
HEK cells by itself doesnt got any antibiotic resistance but pcDNA3.1 got Neomycin resistance gene for selection in stable transfection.
sv40 early polyadenylation signal is for efficient transcription termination and polyadenylation of mRNA.
also the BGH ( bovine growth hormone polyadnylation signal) is for efficient transcription termination and polyadenylation of mRNA.