Fixed Cells - immunocytochemistry. (Apr/01/2008 )
Just had a quick question thought you guys might be able to help...
I am fixing my cells and I want to do 2 plates (1 with differetn dilutions of antibodies, and one with the right dilutions).
So can my cells once they have been fixed be left for a few days (to give me time to look at the different dilutions before I do the actual experimental plate) ?? And is it best to leave them in Blocking solution for the few days - or remove the block in the morning and leave them in PBS?
fixing stops everything in its tracks - time no longer has meaning
pbs is the most neutral soln - neutral is good
i'd just be worried about the little buggers falling off if left in solution for too long
Leave them in -70 freezer, dried?
fixing creates enough artifacts - do you really want to add more?
Thanks! I left them in PBS and they were fine! Only prob was I got my secondaries mixed up D'oh. Will label my plates better next time!