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how to culture mouse MSCs from bone marrow - (Apr/01/2008 )

hi, i cultured mouse bone marrow with low glucose DMEM, in order to isolation MSCs ,but the cells grow very slowly. besides, once subpassaged these cells easily die(I put primary bone marrow of two hind legs into a small dish.) i wonder if someone would help me , thank you very much! i am looking forward for your reply!


QUOTE (bob007 @ Apr 1 2008, 06:41 AM)
hi, i cultured mouse bone marrow with low glucose DMEM, in order to isolation MSCs ,but the cells grow very slowly. besides, once subpassaged these cells easily die(I put primary bone marrow of two hind legs into a small dish.) i wonder if someone would help me , thank you very much! i am looking forward for your reply!

Have you tried using growth factors such as IL-3, IL6 or SCF?

When I do lineage depletions and culture the undifferentiated cells overnight, I add these growth factors (20ng/ml for IL-3 and 100ng/ml of IL-6 and SCF)

I hope that's a help,
