Tissue Sectioning Question - (Mar/20/2008 )
This may be a stupid question, but I am Naive about sections tissue myself.
We have boxes full of paraffin embedded tissue that we need sectioned, so our Lab Chief want to buy a microtome. However, we have 2 Leica Cryostats sitting in the lab next door. I called the company and they say its the same blade, but you cannot uset he cryostat for paraffin sections.
Help me out here.
Why cant a cryostat be used for paraffin sections? It might be a dumb question, but enlighten me
The histology company charges 5 bucks a slide, and I need atleast 10 each, so you can imagine my dilemma in saving money.
its a completely different entity - the ONLY thing they have in common is the blade
Cryostats work on frozen samples mounted in OCT (optimal cutting temperature) medium. Ordinary microtomes work on paraffin or resin blocks. They may use the same knife but they have different purposes and different techniques.
Thanks guys for the reply.
I do undertsand the different nature in both machines and techniques. But having an engineering backgroud, I just didnt understand why I cant put a praffin block on the cryostat and cut sections out. I guess its more of a curousity.
But thanks for the replies.