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lps extraction methods - westpal phenol:water extraction methods (Mar/12/2008 )

I want isolate and purify bacterial lps by hot phenol\water method. I need to phenol:water extraction methods by described westpal 1965 but I cant find this protocol
anybody can send me this protocol.thanks



These are the articles you want. The second is in German, but likely easier to find in the library.

Westphal, O., and K. Jann. 1965. Bacterial lipopolysaccharides:
extraction with phenol-water and further
applications of the procedure, p. 83-91. In R. L.
Whistler and M. L. Wolfrom (ed.), Methods in carbohydrate
chemistry, vol. 5. Academic Press Inc., New

Westphal, O., and 0. Liideritz. 1954. Chemische Erforschung
von Lipopolysacchariden gram negative Bakteriaen.
Angew Chem. 66:407-417.

This is an easy article to get, which (unforunately for you) simply refers to the Westphal articles.
Buttke TM, Ingram LO.
Free in PMC
Comparison of lipopolysaccharides from Agmenellum quadruplicatum to Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium by using thin-layer chromatography.
J Bacteriol. 1975 Dec;124(3):1566-73.
PMID: 811650
