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Transfecting P19 embryonic carcinoma cells - (Mar/07/2008 )

Hi everyone, I found difficult to transfect a plasmid into P19 embryonic carcinoma cells. I use lipofectamine 2000, tried 1ug DNA : 6ul lipofectamine 2000 or 2ug DNA : 10ul lipofectamine 2000;
I have also tried electroporation too, using 250V and 1000uF capacitance, but neither success.
(My vector is pcDNA3.1NTGFP)
Could anyone can help to give some advice?
Many thanks!


I am not familiar with these cells.

Did the transfection work at all or you got a very low transfection efficiency?

i am not sure if this helps. we use 2ug of DNA+6ul of lipofectamine per well in a 6 well plate for our cells.


QUOTE (scolix @ Mar 8 2008, 05:54 AM)
I am not familiar with these cells.

Did the transfection work at all or you got a very low transfection efficiency?

i am not sure if this helps. we use 2ug of DNA+6ul of lipofectamine per well in a 6 well plate for our cells.

Thank you for your advice.
I did this many times, sometimes work with only <10% efficiency (as screened by flow cytometry to detect GFP after 24h transfection) and sometimes not work.
I remember I had tried this protocol but not work finally.
Anyway thank you very much!
