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IdIoMs - join us (Feb/28/2008 )

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hi guys,

my native language is not English, and some idioms seem difficult to me, but i like to understand them and know more and more i started to search google and read about would be great if u guys can share what u know here so everybody can learn better tongue.gif

i like this one:
cry wolf : fake crying tongue.gif


QUOTE (strawberry @ Feb 28 2008, 03:38 PM)
hi guys,

my native language is not English, and some idioms seem difficult to me, but i like to understand them and know more and more i started to search google and read about would be great if u guys can share what u know here so everybody can learn better tongue.gif

i like this one:
cry wolf : fake crying tongue.gif

You mean phrases?

Many dictionaries help, for the non-English speakers, here two links: (french, spain, german, italian phrases) (only german <> english)


QUOTE (hobglobin @ Feb 28 2008, 04:23 PM)
You mean phrases?

Many dictionaries help, for the non-English speakers, here two links: (french, spain, german, italian phrases) (only german <> english)


I like 'humbug' = nonsense. Interestingly in German humbug has the same meaning.

And another link I forgot: (but not for free)


Sour Grapes


rhyming slang:
steak and kidney
dead horse
bag of fruit
dog and bone
Fred Astair
spetic tank



more rhyming slang:
frog and toad (road)
trouble and strife (wife)
tin lids (kids)
Captain Cook (look; as in "have a Captain Cook at that!")
china plate (sometimes abbreviated to "china"; a 'mate', a friend [not to be mistaken with your mate], as in "How are you, my old china?")
rubadub (or just "rubba"; the pub)

And for Vetticus' slang

hat (titfer tat)
American ("Yank")

Two more that I just remembered. Very good for a Friday:
Friday is sometimes known as POETS DAY: Push Off Early, Tomorrow's Saturday.
And when it's time to leave, the time is officially "beer o'clock".


you know, it's the first time i see these phrases!! biggrin.gif
thanx for sharing sites

You mean phrases?

i don't know really hobglobin if they're called so huh.gif

another one: rolling out a red carpet wub.gif


can u find the answer for this one:

If u go................, u 're wild with excitment,anxiety, or worry.



QUOTE (strawberry @ Feb 29 2008, 09:17 AM)
can u find the answer for this one:

If u go...apples and pears..., u 're wild with excitment,anxiety, or worry. (after falling down the stairs wink.gif )



QUOTE (strawberry @ Feb 29 2008, 01:17 AM)
can u find the answer for this one:

If u go................, u 're wild with excitment,anxiety, or worry.


i go for apple. dry.gif


QUOTE (Jou2007 @ Feb 29 2008, 03:34 PM)
QUOTE (strawberry @ Feb 29 2008, 01:17 AM)
can u find the answer for this one:

If u go................, u 're wild with excitment,anxiety, or worry.


i go for apple. dry.gif

I would use 'casandra' laugh.gif cool.gif wink.gif


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