thermocycler: Appligene Crocodile 2 - need wiring info (Feb/26/2008 )
Hi Everyone
This is a long shot but I'm desperate---so here goes----- recently, someone gave me this old thermocycler which is an "Appligene Crocodile 2" ----I think it was popular from the mid to late 70's and may have been produced in France or Germany. Anyhow, it powers up but I am getting a "vial probe" error. When I took the face plate off, I found that under the holder for the tubes there is a very small circle with three tiny prongs welded to it----next to these 3 prongs were three wires---a yellow, brown, and orange wire(s) which should be individually attached to the three prongs----these wires lead to the thermal face plate (temp control box). Since I don't have any technical literature on this thermocycler (and the company is no longer around)---I have NO idea if there is a particular orientation that the wires have to be attached (via solder) to the pins. According to the wire color, I found out on the web that they should be all power wires---three phase power. My question is does anyone know anything about this machine or know where I might find a copy of a manual or electrical schematic? I took pictures of the the small circle with 3 prongs under the tube holder, the clip that holds the three wires on the face plate and the face plate it self.
the posts look like they accommodate a plug rather than direct solder.
i googled appligene and came up with this address:
Appligene Oncor
Parc d'Innovation
PO Box 72
Rue Geiler de Kayserberg
the url gives an american power company so you won't be able to use it but you could write to the company or find its phone# and call for assistance.
i also found this:
and this:
maybe you can get the info from them or have them repair it.
by the way, for the record, i don't remember there being any thermal cyclers (if you are referring to pcr machines) in the 70's. it must be from the 80's.
thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it