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Newbie Lab Tech needs help with autoclave ... - (Jul/28/2004 )

Hi y'all,
Just graduated in May and have been fortunate enough to find a job as a lab tech. While my classes were adequate in preparing me for experimentation, I'm finding that I lack knowledge in the basics of keeping a lab running so I'm sure I will have more questions as I progress. Anyhoot, my questions today pertain autoclaving.

We use a small table unit (we're waiting on the install of the larger and more technologically advanced model, the kind we used in my undergrad labs). It has four programs: instruments, porous (packs), liquids, and dry only. Which one might I use to sterilize hazardous waste in the orange bags before I dispose of it? Also, we go through a great deal of plastic petri dishes around here and I was wondering if we could sterilize those that go unused after a new bag is opened? If so, what program should I use or temperature/pressure settings if I can't use a specific program?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice smile.gif


also google using "autoclave waste"
