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Transient Transfection of HeLa cells. - (Feb/04/2008 )

Hi, I m new to transfection.

I now plan to use Lipofectamine 2000 as reagent to transient transfect HeLa cells in 24-well plate.

Can anyone kindly give me some comments on my below amount of plasmid used (total DNA used in each r'x = 800 ng):

Control 1
pGL3 empty vector: 300 ng
junk vector: 300 ng
beta-galactosidase normalizing vector: 200 ng

Control 2
pGL3 empty vector: 300 ng
Transcription factor construct: 300 ng
beta-galactosidase normalizing vector: 200 ng

pGL3-basic (with promoter inserted): 300 ng
Transcription factor construct: 300 ng
beta-galactosidase normalizing vector: 200 ng

In each well I m gonna seed 8*104 cells in 500uL medium

Thank you in advance.

-hkuspace graduate-

Have you optimized the transfection, like with a vector expressing fluorescent protein? If so, then go ahead.
