Taqman Vs SYBR Green - new to qRT-PCR and trying to learn.... (Jan/23/2008 )
Hi All,
I'm new to qRT-PCR, and I'm trying to learn about it before I start, there seems to be lots of terminology that seems confusing - melting curves, ct's etc could anyone suggest a good place to find this info out, that goes through all of qRT-PCR in detail??
The other thing is - could anyone tell me how to choose between SYBR green or a Taq man assay. I know SYBR is cheaper but is that the only difference? How do you guys decide which one to use.
Thanks in advance!!
for general information: http://pathmicro.med.sc.edu/pcr/realtime-home.htm
concerning choosing between sybr and taqman:
as a first hint i would say it depends on your time and money.
if money is no problem but time go for taqman.
if money is a problem but you have time to play around with primer optimization use sybr.
if money and time is a problem: than you have to prioritize. spend more money for qPCR or work harder