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lactobacillus acidophilus growth - groth nature (Jan/17/2008 )

i m working on L.acidophilus, isolated from probiotic curd on MRS media, kept the plates at 37 degree with aerobic condition, also tried in shaking flasks, but the growth is very slow, it takes more than 2 days to form tiny colonies on plate.
are these bacteria slow growing in nature or is here any other condition to grow them ?
please advise


QUOTE (behalbiotech @ Jan 18 2008, 04:29 AM)
i m working on L.acidophilus, isolated from probiotic curd on MRS media, kept the plates at 37 degree with aerobic condition, also tried in shaking flasks, but the growth is very slow, it takes more than 2 days to form tiny colonies on plate.
are these bacteria slow growing in nature or is here any other condition to grow them ?
please advise

hi, you'd be much better growing them on rogosa agar (oxoid), although they will grow on MRS! they are growing slow because they prefer anaerobic growth. If you cant get access to an anaerobic cabinet try making anaerobic broths, you can make MRS broth and inoculate for overnight growth at 37degrees.
hope that helps!


It should grow better in MRS broth in an anaerobic environment - Just place the tube in a gas jar with anaerobic gas pak (Merck). If you dont have a jar, Ive seen people place the gas pak and tube/plate in a bag and seal it up


use pour plate method with around 25 ml MRS agar for each plate. (they will growth better on the bottom).
also 0.5% of l-cystine for each plate can provide anaerobic condition instead of using the jar.

