Inheritance of RNAi - (Dec/26/2007 )
dsRNA mediated sequence-specific interference is known to be inherited by offspring in C.elegans[/i]. Does anyone know if such a phenomenon has been reported in anyother organism? Thanks in advance.
Plants do so. There is no self-replicating mechanism for siRNA in high organisms. You have to use genes that code for shRNA.
except for piRNA, gene silencing is not inherited in higher organisms.
gene encoding shRNA should be delivered, and you also will have to consider the possibility to deliver them between gene insulators to avoid chromatin side effects
gene encoding shRNA should be delivered, and you also will have to consider the possibility to deliver them between gene insulators to avoid chromatin side effects
Thank you! I am not familiar with this, so please excuse me if these are very basic questions. Are these insulators well-charactersied? I mean are there any established protocols for isolating tehse elements? I read about the insulator elememts in mous, but are such elements used in vectors? I am to work with a crustacean.... Thanks again
i'm not very familiar with all these insulators, but marie noelle prioleau published interesting papers on these. She use a chicken insulator working in human cells. so i guess you can use it in mouse cells. No ideas about crustaceans. She send to the lab a plasmid containing the insulator, but till now, i wasn't able to recover it.
some pubmed links :
EMBO report
and second EMBO J