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i'm puzzled by Taq polymerase - Taq adds A tail (Dec/17/2007 )

May someone do me a favour to solve a problem that:

I want to know how many "A" bases will be added by rTaq in PCR for each single nucleotide chain at its 3'-end? it's important for me!

Thx!! smile.gif


QUOTE (nuclease @ Dec 17 2007, 03:18 PM)
May someone do me a favour to solve a problem that:

I want to know how many "A" bases will be added by rTaq in PCR for each single nucleotide chain at its 3'-end? it's important for me!

Thx!! smile.gif

as fas as i know it will only add 1 extra A, if is for T cloning that's all you need, if however you dont want the A at all i'll recommend to use other enzymes.

-almost a doctor-

Yup. Only one "A".


QUOTE (Madrius @ Dec 18 2007, 02:43 AM)
Yup. Only one "A".

Only one "A" base added to the 3' ends of the fragments amplified by Taq polymerase.


got it. thanks a lot!! smile.gif
