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Heat inactivation - 80°C inactivation (Jan/15/2002 )

Can heat inactivation of an endonuclease (80°C) be harmful for the DNA?


I use this method sometimes to inactivate endonucleases and it works fine.

It happens to me once that DNA precipitated. I was using too much DNA in a too small volume: with the evaporation, the water evaporated too much. It's the only problem I ever had with that method. If your DNA is concentrated in your digestions, I recommend using a PCR machine with a heating lid to do the inactivation in order to prevent evaporation.


I use this method sometimes to inactivate endonucleases and it works fine.

It happens to me once that DNA precipitated. I was using too much DNA in a too small volume: with the evaporation, the water evaporated too much. It's the only problem I ever had with that method. If your DNA is concentrated in your digestions, I recommend using a PCR machine with a heating lid to do the inactivation in order to prevent evaporation.
