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Search transfection reagent for BJ cells - (Dec/10/2007 )

Hi, everybody, we are tring to search a efficient tansfection reagent for BJ cells(ATCC number CRL-2522). Cause we have used Genejuice and Fugene 6 reagent to transfect plasmid to BJ cells. While the result was not satisfied. Do you know some more efficient transfection reagent for BJ cells or other fibroblast cells ? Tanks!


A small suggestion:

you can easily get free samples of transfection reagents to try from different companies. Just call your sales reps.

Also, I think Invitrogen had comed up with a new transfection reageant not so long ago: Lipofectamine LTX. You should be able to get a free sample of that easily.

Finally, have you tried reverse-transfection? That usually yields much better results for me than the normal protocol.


QUOTE (chicho @ Dec 13 2007, 02:32 PM)
A small suggestion:

you can easily get free samples of transfection reagents to try from different companies. Just call your sales reps.

Also, I think Invitrogen had comed up with a new transfection reageant not so long ago: Lipofectamine LTX. You should be able to get a free sample of that easily.

Finally, have you tried reverse-transfection? That usually yields much better results for me than the normal protocol.

Thanks a lot.