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How to anesthetize mice ? - for both peritoneal and brain macrophge harvest (Dec/01/2007 )

Hi guys

i have a quite argent problem regarding mice anesthetization. i doing an In-vivo experiment and i need to anesthetize the mice for both harvesting of micrgolia and peritoneal macrophages.

when i harvest microglia i anesthetize the mice using ketamin (i.p injection) and when i'm harvesting peritoneal macrophages i'm using CO2. but what do when i need both of them (i fear that an i.p. injection will harm the peritoneal macrophages and that CO2 will cause harm to the microglia....)

anu ideas ??? please help !!!!



Use 1 ml Ketamine-0.2 ml xylazine-saline 8.8 ml mixture, i.m. 150-250 ul/mouse.

Please do not multipost.


QUOTE (genehunter-1 @ Dec 1 2007, 09:44 AM)
Use 1 ml Ketamine-0.2 ml xylazine-saline 8.8 ml mixture, i.m. 150-250 ul/mouse.

Please do not multipost.

thanks !! but 1 small question - How do I inject I.M. ??


QUOTE (Lego @ Dec 3 2007, 03:22 PM)
thanks !! but 1 small question - How do I inject I.M. ??

I.M is intra muscular. Get hold of the mouse leg and inject into the thigh.


I agree with other posts. You are doing a terminal experiment. In this case isoflurane-CO2 is the best protocol.


Guys - thanks for all the info. you really helped me a lot !!!



final note (if anyone will have the same dilemma one day)

I choose to use CO2 and i can now tell you that not microglia nor macrophage viability was compromised and that examining their inflammatory response (real time PCR) gave excellent results.

