stripping antibodies in immunochemistry? - (Nov/30/2007 )
I need to strip antibodies in moues embryos like stripping antibodies in western blot membrane.
Someone has an idea?
I am not familiar with any one stripping tissues for antibodies. Have you read about it somewhere?
If you ever get any such protocol please post it here in the forum.
No I haven't found any protocol. If I found one I'll post it here.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
you could try an acid buffer like 0.15M acetic acid+0.15M NaCl (pH 2.5) 5 min at 4C
ive tried and failed - they're stubborn little buggers
- if you work it out you have the biggest discovery in immuno in a long time - labeling irrespective of previous labeling = same species without crossover, multi label (6) you could do in a day etc etc
I need to strip antibodies in moues embryos like stripping antibodies in western blot membrane.
Someone has an idea?
for stripping you need harsh conditions which may damage cells structures and cause artefacts; I won´t do it...
may try fluorescence labelled antibody... no need to strip the antibodies... simply labelled the antibodies with different fluorescence dyes... and look at the tissue under the fluorescence micoscopy.
hope this may help.