Fixation problems with immunofluorescence - (Nov/27/2007 )
Hi everyone,
I use Dako Mounting medium and I have found that when I come to retrieve my slides to look at them using the microscope (usually the next day, after mounting I leave them in the fridge overnight) I find that the coverslips are everywhere and they are covered in media. I only use one drop of media per coverslip.
Any suggestions?
I know the Dako Mounting medium
it is efficient for anti-fading but does not stick strongly coverslip to the slide
I usually seal the coverslip with some nail vernish
what permits storage for long time
I know the Dako Mounting medium
it is efficient for anti-fading but does not stick strongly coverslip to the slide
I usually seal the coverslip with some nail vernish
what permits storage for long time

Just a precautionary measure. Some nail varnish can bleach fluorescence, so try 1 or 2 different ones.
Have never used this mounting medium, we use Vectashield. But I know that while some mounting media would solidify and keep the coverslip stick to the slide, others would not, including Vectashield and it sounds like this Dako thing is the same. I suggest that after you mount your coverslip, use tissue paper (better the thin, light type) to gently remove excess medium and then seal the edge of the coverslip with nail polish. We use the cheap, colorless type, haven't got problem with bleaching yet, but you may want to be careful, just in case.
i use vectasheild and a deep red nail varnish (put nothing on the slides i wouldnt wear myself _
I use Dako Mounting medium and I have found that when I come to retrieve my slides to look at them using the microscope (usually the next day, after mounting I leave them in the fridge overnight) I find that the coverslips are everywhere and they are covered in media. I only use one drop of media per coverslip.
Any suggestions?
I use FluorSave from Calbiochem (about 9 ul for a 13mm round coverslip) which does not need you to seal the coverslip with nail polish.
it gives a good anti-fading protection too
Do you press your coverslips or let them stay as they are?
I put thin paper towel on the coverslip and roll lightly blue pipette- tip over it. Then I use cheap non-colour nail polish on the edges of coverslip.