How to purify 700bp pcr product? - (Nov/08/2007 )
I am new to this whole PCR thing and was wondering what's the best way to purify PCR products that are 700bp. It seems that the Qiagen columns max out at around 100bp. Any ideas?
run it on agarose, cut out the band then elute.
May be the column you have is not the right one, get another kit from qiagen where the max is not 100 bps.
Best as already suggested is to run on gel, and purify the product.
good Luck !!!

Sounds like you're using a primer cleanup kit. Check the QIAGEN website.
We use: Qiagens PCR purification kit or illustra MicroSpin™ S-400 HR Columns from GE healthcare.
They're both great, no need to mess with gels.
Check the kit manual again Leila, I suspect you've misread or misunderstood the "100 bp" limit. The standard Qiagen gel extraction kit does not extract fragments below 100 bp, it's the minimum not the maximum, 700 bp is fine.