does EGFP-N1 or C1 have T7 or T3 promoter include? - (Oct/25/2007 )
does EGFP-N1 or C1 have T7 or T3 promoter include?
Hi, I had a EGFP-N1 vector. I want to know if anyone whether it has any T7 or T3 promoter inside
Hi, I had a EGFP-N1 vector. I want to know if anyone whether it has any T7 or T3 promoter inside
N1 vector contains a human CMV IE promoter, a early SV40 promoter, and a bacterial Kanr promoter.
Don't think they have T7 or T3 there. At least we haven't been able to do in vitro transcription/translation using T7 promoter with these plasmids
Both of these vectors are from Clontech. If you go to their website and search for them, you should find complete information for both by clicking on the vector information tab after performing your search.
Here is the web site